第二卷.镇压群雄 第二八三章.一级戒备(2 / 2)




“Shit, this Luo&#039s attack is so heavy.”




“Oh, this damned dragon group, it&#039s better to start first. Damn it, has the matter of transporting arms to Japan been discovered? damn! Somebody! How many powers can be mobilized in the SAR and nearby states?”



“President, there are 14000 Level C, 2100 B, 56 A, 11 S and 2 SS. According to the film demon John POCAS, their next attack site is likely to be binjuganya.Binjugularia has an S-level 1, code named flash point Jack FLANME, ability blink. Class a five, code named serpent Hilson Millard, power poison. Heidrin Joanna, codenamed Hawkeye, has the ability to see far. Horson Hannibal, the gopher, can escape. Edwards mia, the psychic tentacle, codenamed doctor thousand knives. Beck arach, code named mucus, liquid powers.”


“After the order goes on, all the standby powers in binfania are on the first level of alert. Pay attention to the group of six men and two women. One of them is an A-level power. He is wanted. If he is arrested, he has a reward of 1 million M and a reward of 500 000 m for killing him. However, with the power of explosive fist, there are not many people who can kill him.”

ps:“传令下去,彬戏法尼亚所有待命异能者进入一级警备状态,注意四男二女的六人团体,其中有一人是A级异能者爆拳,将此人列入通缉,将此人逮捕有100万M元赏金,击杀有50万M元赏金,不过以爆拳的异能,能杀死他的人怕是整个世界都不多。”', '”')

